Cataract Lens Price List in Pakistan: Everything You Need to Know About Cataract Surgery, Lenses, and Costs

Cataract Lens Price List in Pakistan

Are you suffering from pain from cataracts and looking for the best options for cataract surgery in Pakistan? Are you confused about the different types of lenses available and their costs? This comprehensive guide on Cataract Lens Price List in Pakistan will help you understand the different types of lenses, the cataract surgery cost in Pakistan, and which lens may be the best for you.

What is Cataract Surgery

Cataracts are a common eye disease that affects millions of people worldwide, including in Pakistan. Cataracts cause the lens of the eye to become cloudy, leading to blurry vision, glare, and discomfort in bright lights. Cataracts are treatable with cataract surgery, which involves replacing the cloudy lens with a clear artificial lens, called an intraocular lens (IOL). There are several types of IOLs available, including monofocal, multifocal, and toric lenses. The choice of lens depends on various factors such as refractive errors, the extent of cataracts, and lifestyle preferences.

How is Cataract Surgery Performed?

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Cataract Surgey Procedure

Cataract surgery is a procedure that involves removing the cloudy natural lens and replacing it with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia by a board certified opthalmologist and takes about 15 to 30 minutes.

The surgeon will first make a small incision in the eye and then use ultrasound to break up the cloudy natural lens into small pieces, which are then removed through the incision. Once the natural lens has been removed, the surgeon will insert the IOL into the eye.

There are two types of cataract surgery

  • Traditional and laser-assisted. In traditional cataract surgery, the incisions are made manually using a blade.
  • In laser-assisted cataract surgery, a femtosecond laser is used to make the incisions, which can result in greater precision and faster healing times.

After the procedure, doctors say the patient will typically rest for a short period of time before being discharged with instructions for follow-up eye care thereafter. Most patients will notice improved vision within a few days to a week after the surgery.

How much time does this surgery take ?

Usually, cataract surgery takes about 15 minutes. These days cataract surgeries in hospitals are performed without any injections and sutures. Sometimes, if there is a possibility of a complication the surgery may take 5-10 minutes more but now a days the complicaton rate in cataract surgery has drastically come down.

Cataract Surgery Cost in Pakistan

The cost of cataract surgery in Pakistan varies depending on the hospital and the type of lens used. The average cost of cataract surgery with a monofocal lens in Pakistan ranges from PKR 60,000 to PKR 100,000, while the cost of cataract surgery with a premium lens can range from PKR 150,000 to PKR 300,000.

It is important to note that some hospitals, doctors, and clinics may offer package deals that include the cost of the surgery, pre-operative tests, post-operative consultations, and medications. These packages can often provide better value for money compared to paying for each service separately.

It is also worth considering the type of lens that will be used in the surgery, as this can have a significant impact on recovery time and on the overall cost. Standard lenses are typically the most affordable option, while premium lenses such as multifocal or toric lenses can be more expensive.

Ultimately, the cost and outcome of cataract surgery in Pakistan will depend on individual factors, and it is recommended to consult with your doctor or a healthcare professional to determine the best course of action for your specific needs and budget.

Cataract Lens Price List in Pakistan

The following is a list of some of the most commonly used intraocular lenses in Pakistan and their prices:

  • Alcon AcrySof IQ Toric IOL: PKR 150,000 – PKR 200,000
  • Alcon AcrySof IQ Aspheric IOL: PKR 100,000 – PKR 150,000
  • Johnson & Johnson TECNIS® Monofocal IOL: PKR 100,000 – PKR 150,000

It’s important to note that the cost of cataract surgery and intraocular lenses may vary depending on the hospital, surgeon, and other factors. The difference between the various monofocals could be the shape of the lens or the material of the lens. In general, hydrophobic lens materials are better than hydrophilic lens materials. They tend to cause less inflammation after surgery and “After cataract.”

Types of Intra Occular Lenses (IOL)

There are several different types of IOLs available for cataract surgery in Pakistan, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Here’s an overview of the most common types:

Monofocal Lenses

Monofocal lenses are the most commonly used IOLs for cataract surgery in Pakistan. They’re designed to improve distance vision, but you’ll still need to wear glasses for reading or close-up work.

Premium Lenses

Premium lenses, also known as multifocal IOLs, can correct both distance and near vision. They’re more expensive than monofocal lenses, but they can eliminate the need for glasses altogether.

Toric Lenses

Toric lenses are designed to correct astigmatism, a common refractive error that can cause blurry vision. They’re a good choice for patients with astigmatism who are undergoing cataract surgery.


The ACRYSOF® IQ RESTOR® MULTIFOCAL IOL is a premium lens that can correct both distance and near vision. It’s designed to provide a full range of vision, from reading a book to driving a car.

Overview of Monofocal Lens Types

Monofocal Intraocular lenses or Monofocal IOLs are a type of cataract lenses that we implant in the eyes during your cataract surgery. There are two main types of IOLs: monofocal and multifocal.

Alcon Eye Lens

Alcon is a leading manufacturer of IOLs, including monofocal lenses. Their lenses are made of a material called hydrophobic acrylic, which reduces the risk of infection and inflammation.

Johnson & Johnson Monofocal IOL

Johnson & Johnson’s monofocal IOLs are made of a material called hydrophilic acrylic, which is designed to mimic the shape of the natural lens of the eye.

Monofocal IOLs

Monofocal IOLs are the most common type of IOL used in cataract surgery. They are designed to provide clear distance vision but may require the patient to wear glasses for reading or other close-up tasks. Monofocal IOLs are typically covered by insurance and are the most affordable option for eye surgeons.

Multifocal IOLs

Multifocal IOLs are a newer technology that allows better vision for both distance and near vision without glasses. However, they are not covered by insurance and can be quite expensive. Multifocal IOLs can also cause visual side effects such as glare and halos around bright lights.

Choosing the Best Monofocal IOL

There are different types of monofocal IOLs available, and choosing the best one for your needs will depend on various factors, including your lifestyle, job requirements, and any existing refractive errors.

Standard Monofocal Lens

The standard monofocal lens provides clear distance vision, but patients may need glasses for using reading glasses or other close-up tasks. This lens is usually the most affordable option and is covered by insurance.

Toric Monofocal Lens

Toric monofocal lenses are designed to correct astigmatism, a refractive error that causes blurry or distorted vision at all distances. This lens can provide clear distance vision and reduce the need for glasses or contact lenses for patients with astigmatism.

Premium Monofocal Lens

Premium monofocal lenses are advanced technology lenses that can provide superior vision at all distances, even without glasses. These lenses can correct astigmatism and reduce the risk of visual side effects such as glare and halos. However, they are not covered by insurance and can be quite expensive.

Choosing the Best Lens for Your Cataract Surgery

Choosing the best lens for your cataract surgery will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Your eye surgeon will discuss the different options with you during your pre-operative consultation appointment, and recommend the best lens for your individual case.

Factors to consider when choosing an IOL to include:

  • Your lifestyle: If you’re an active person who enjoys reading, driving, or other activities, you may want to consider a premium lens that can provide a full range of vision.
  • Your budget: Premium lenses are more expensive than monofocal lenses, so you’ll need to consider your budget when choosing a lens.
  • Your eye health: If you have certain eye conditions, such as astigmatism, you may need a specialized lens to correct your vision.

Why are Monofocal IOLs Chosen More Than Multifocal IOLs?

Monofocal IOLs are typically chosen more often than multifocal IOLs for several reasons:

  • Cost: Monofocal IOLs are covered by insurance and are more affordable than multifocal IOLs, which are not covered by insurance and can be quite expensive.
  • Visual side effects: Multifocal IOLs can cause visual side effects such as glare, halos, and decreased contrast sensitivity, which can be more pronounced in low-light conditions and may be bothersome to some patients.
  • Compatibility with certain activities: Monofocal IOLs may be a better choice for patients with certain hobbies or occupations that require good distance vision, such as driving or sports.
  • Surgical factors: Some surgeons may prefer to use monofocal IOLs because they have more predictable outcomes and are easier to implant than multifocal IOLs.
  • Personal preference: Some patients may simply prefer the simplicity and reliability of monofocal IOL over multifocal IOL, despite the potential benefits of multifocal lenses.

Final Words

In conclusion, cataract surgery is a common and safe procedure that can significantly improve a patient’s vision and quality of life. The choice of lens used in the surgery is an important decision that should be made in consultation with an experienced eye surgeon.

Monofocal lenses are the most commonly used lens type and are often chosen best eye surgeon due to their affordability, reliability, and the ability to correct either distance or near vision. Multifocal lenses are an alternative option that can provide a greater range of vision, but they are typically more expensive and may not be suitable for all patients.

When considering cataract surgery, it is important to research the options available, including the types of lenses and the cost of the procedure. Patients in Pakistan can expect to pay varying prices for cataract surgery and lenses depending on the hospital, surgeon, and type of lens chosen. However, it is important to prioritize the quality of care and experience of the doctor and surgeon over the cost of the procedure.

If you are experiencing blurry vision or other symptoms of cataracts, it is important to seek the advice of an experienced eye care professional. With a focus on the right treatment and care, cataracts can be safely and effectively treated, allowing patients to enjoy clear vision and improved quality of life.


What are the risks of cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is a generally safe procedure, but as with any surgery, there are risks involved. These may include infection, bleeding, swelling, retinal detachment, and other complications.

How long does it take to recover from cataract surgery?

Most patients are able to return to their normal activities within a few days after cataract surgery, although it may take several weeks for vision to fully stabilize.

Can I choose the type of lens used in my cataract surgery?

Yes, patients can work with their eye surgeon to choose the type of lens that will be used in their cataract surgery based on their individual needs and preferences.

How long do cataract lenses last?

The lifespan of a cataract lens can vary depending on the type of lens used and individual factors such as the patient’s age and overall health. However, most lenses are designed to last for many years, and some may even last a lifetime.

Can cataracts come back after surgery?

No, once a cataract has been removed, it cannot come back. However, some patients may experience a clouding of the lens capsule, which can be treated with a laser procedure.

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