Ms. Sidra Raza
Nutritionists Surgeon
About Ms. Sidra Raza
Ms. Sidra Raza is a Clinical Nutritionist practicing through prodoctorfinder. With nine years of experience in the field, she has gained extensive expertise in the area of clinical nutrition. Her experience demonstrates her deep understanding and knowledge in this field.
Diseases treated by Ms. Sidra Raza
Diseases treated by Ms. Sidra Raza include:
- Anemia, and among others
Ms. Sidra Raza’s Appointment Details
Ms. Sidra Raza, the Clinical Nutritionist, is available for in-person and online video consultation on prodoctorfinder.
Aafiyah Family Health Clinics:Clifton, Karachi.
Days:Monday to Monday
Time:04:00 PM – 06:00 PM
- Languages : English ,Urdu
- Gender : Male